2 recommendations
Thorsten Johannsen
Gewerbeschulstraße 13, 42289 Wuppertal, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Online Termine sind möglich, die Praxis ist mit einer Rampe und von einem anderen Eingang mittels Aufzug zu erreichen.
Recommended for the following groups of people
queer/lesbian/gay/bi/panchronic illnessphysically disabledchildfree by choice
Recommended treatment methods
consultation for alternative contraceptiondetection/treatment of endometriosissupport during/after pregnancy/deliverysupport for self-determined breastfeeding, postnatal recovery, childbed carefirst consultation / consultation for teenagersroutine treatmentconsultation for libido, sex life, sexual disfunctionsalternative treatment methodstreatment of menstrual problemsHIV/STD testHormonal expertise (e.g. with PCOS, AGS, Cushing's syndrome, ...)
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