

About the treating person


Treatment methods


Respectful treatment


Submit recommendation



Please only fill out this questionnaire if you have a recommendation for a gynecologist, Midwife or general practitioner working in gynecology (summarized in the questionnaire as "treating person" called). You can of course limit this, because no treating person is perfect. In addition, please only answer questions that you can answer based on your own treatment experience! If parts of the questionnaire do not apply for you or you or you don't want to answer them, you can always leave out answers.

Apart from your answers, we do not store any personal data. However, when filling in the form, be aware that we will use individual parts of your answers & comments and they may be published anonymously in our directory along with your recommendation. If you don't want that point this out to us in the comments box at the very end of the questionnaire.

Thanks for your contribution to this project!

About the treating person

Ich möchte folgende behandelnde Person empfehlen.

Treatment methods

Respectful treatment

Submit recommendation

If you can recommend the person treating you to one of the following groups of people, please indicate this here. Make statements only if you feel yourself belonging to this group. Multiple answers possible. You remain anonymous.

This selection is incomplete and includes characteristics that can lead to specific forms of discrimination in gynecological treatment. If you are missing something, please let us know in the comment box below.
