1 recommendation
Nora Koßlik
Dammstr. 20, 49740 Haselünne, Niedersachsen
Zugang ist barrierefrei, bei Problemen wird sofort geholfen (als ich temporär im Rolli saß, habe ich geklingelt, Hilfe kam sofort)
Recommended for the following groups of people
chronic illnessBlack peoplesingle parentmental illnessPeople of color (people experiencing racism)fat/moreweightthin/low body weightpeople with learning difficulties / "mental disabilities"
Recommended treatment methods
consultation for alternative contraceptiondetection/treatment of endometriosisinsertion of IUDs (copper and hormonal) support during/after pregnancy/deliverysupport during menopauseconsultation/support for unfulfilled desire to have children (heterosexual)support for self-determined breastfeeding, postnatal recovery, childbed careconsultation for psychosomatic problemsroutine treatmentconsultation for libido, sex life, sexual disfunctions
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