4 recommendations
Karola Brandt
Kottbusser Straße 16, 10999 Berlin, Berlin
nicht barrierefrei
Deutsch, Arabisch, Englisch, Türkisch
Recommended for the following groups of people
queer/lesbian/gay/bi/panPolyamorous/changing partnersMuslimsmigrantsBlack peopleexperience with sexual abuse/violencePeople of color (people experiencing racism)fat/moreweightpracticing kinky sex (bdsm, toys, fetish, etc.)neurodivergent
Recommended treatment methods
consultation for alternative contraceptioninsertion of IUDs (copper and hormonal) treatment of sexually transmitted diseaseroutine treatmentfirst consultation / consultation for teenagersHIV/STD testsupport for experiences of sexual violencetreatment of menstrual problemsconsultation for psychosomatic problemsconsultation for libido, sex life, sexual disfunctionscooperation between gynaecologist and midwife
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