2 recommendations
Silke Thiele
Schillerstraße 25, 99096 Erfurt, Thüringen
Der Haupteingang ist nicht mit dem Rollstuhl befahrbar, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es andere Seiteneingänge gibt
Recommended for the following groups of people
queer/lesbian/gay/bi/pannon-binaryPolyamorous/changing partnersPeople of color (people experiencing racism)thin/low body weightpracticing kinky sex (bdsm, toys, fetish, etc.)
Recommended treatment methods
consultation for alternative contraceptionroutine treatmenttreatment of sexually transmitted diseasedetection/treatment of endometriosistreatment of menstrual problemsconsultation for libido, sex life, sexual disfunctionsHIV/STD testHormonal expertise (e.g. with PCOS, AGS, Cushing's syndrome, ...)
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